Introduction to fcMRI and CONN
Preprocessing functional & anatomical data
Setup: importing all data and study details
Denoising & Quality Control
First-level analyses: SBC, RRC, gPPI & group-ICA
Second-level analyses: GLM, designs & examples
Homework discussion & FC applications
Cluster-level stats & graph theory
Voxel-to-voxel, fc-MVPA & dynamic connectivity
Parallelization options, HPC & scripting
Session ADVANCED 3 covers voxel-to-voxel analyses, functional connectivity Multivariate Pattern Analyses (fc-MVPA), and dynamic connectivity techniques.
The first section discusses the definition and interpretation of several functional connectivity measures derived from the estimated connectivity between individual voxel pairs. These include local correlation (LCOR), global correlation (GCOR), Intrinsic Connectivity (IC), and inter-hemispheric correlations (IHC), among others.
The second section (fc-MVPA) discusses the theory and applications of functional connectivity multivariate pattern analysis techniques, including their use to characterize the observed heterogeneity in patterns of functional connectivity among participants, as well as their application to perform brain-wide inferences across the entire functional connectome.
Last, the third section discusses different techniques used to analyze temporally-varying properties of functional connectivity, including sliding-window approaches and dynamic Independent Component Analyses (dyn-ICA).