Introduction to fcMRI and CONN
Preprocessing functional & anatomical data
Setup: importing all data and study details
> CORE 4
Denoising & Quality Control
First-level analyses: SBC, RRC, gPPI & group-ICA
Second-level analyses: GLM, designs & examples
Homework discussion & FC applications
Cluster-level stats & graph theory
Voxel-to-voxel, fc-MVPA & dynamic connectivity
Parallelization options, HPC & scripting
Session CORE 4 discusses Denoising procedures and Quality Control (QC) strategies in CONN.
Topics include the use of anatomical CompCor to characterize physiological and other noise sources in the BOLD signal, scrubbing of potential outlier scans, regression of subject motion indicators, and band-pass filtering in the context of data denoising, as well as the discussion of task-effects, global signal regression, ICA denoising, retroicor, and other denoising strategies.
Topics in QC include the use of functional connectivity (FC) histograms and FC-QC correlations to evaluate the quality of the data after preprocessing and denoising, understanding the interpretation and relevance of common QC measures such as average motion, percent valid scans, or effective degrees of freedom, as well as recommendations for identifying potential outliers sessions or subjects.
During this session, the functional and anatomical data of a sample subject will be denoised in CONN, and quality control procedures will be exemplified on a sample dataset.