Introduction to fcMRI and CONN
Preprocessing functional & anatomical data
Setup: importing all data and study details
Denoising & Quality Control
First-level analyses: SBC, RRC, gPPI & group-ICA
Second-level analyses: GLM, designs & examples
Homework discussion & FC applications
Cluster-level stats & graph theory
Voxel-to-voxel, fc-MVPA & dynamic connectivity
Parallelization options, HPC & scripting
The ADVANCED 4 session discusses parallelization and scripting options in CONN.
The first section (parallelization) discusses the use of CONN in high-performance computing (HPC) or other cluster/network environments to analyze in parallel datasets containing thousands of subjects' data.
The second section (scripting) describes how to perform any processing or analysis step in CONN through the creation of simple batch scripts instead of using CONN's GUI. Scripting options are aimed at facilitating replicability and supporting the creation of automated pipelines. During this session we will create a simple batch script to have CONN automatically import, preprocess, denoise, and analyze a sample of raw functional MRI data.
This last session also includes time for general Q&A and discussions covering any other topics of interest among students that may have not been possible to address in earlier sessions.