Introduction to fcMRI and CONN
Preprocessing functional & anatomical data
Setup: importing all data and study details
Denoising & Quality Control
> CORE 5
First-level analyses: SBC, RRC, gPPI & group-ICA
Second-level analyses: GLM, designs & examples
Homework discussion & FC applications
Cluster-level stats & graph theory
Voxel-to-voxel, fc-MVPA & dynamic connectivity
Parallelization options, HPC & scripting
The CORE 5 session presents some of the most commonly used analytical approaches for the estimation of functional connectivity measures from fMRI data. These include univariate and multivariate measures of temporal correlation for the computation of seed-based connectivity maps (SBC) and ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrices (RRC), as well as the use of generalized Psycho-Physiological Interactions models (gPPI) for the analysis of task-based connectivity, and Independent Component Analyses (group-ICA) for the identification of functional networks.Â